Getting a Mortgage

How a Loan Forbearance Can Save Your House

Knowing you may lose your home because you can’t keep up with the mortgage payments is a terrifying prospect.

Smart Financial Planning Must Come Before Homeownership

Whether you’ve got house envy about your best friend’s new place or just want to start building equity instead of renting, the first time you think about becoming a homeowner… 

7 Types of Loans: Which One Fits Your Needs?

Whether you’re looking for a new home or need to do some considerable remodeling, you’re probably going to need a loan.

Is a Second Mortgage Your Best Option?

Your home is much more than an asset in your financial portfolio. Your home is where you raise your family, host your guests and create warm memories.

Is a Subsidized Loan Right For You?

The world of loans can be overwhelming for a first-time home buyer. Understanding a whole new set of real estate terminology is difficult enough without having to deal with the… 

How to Get Mortgage Loan Paperwork Right the First Time

There is no getting around the paperwork involved in applying for a mortgage loan. Mortgage lending qualifications have tightened in a post-recession world—meaning whether you’re applying for a government-backed loan,… 

4 Options for Debt Consolidation You Need to Know

No one likes to have credit card debt, but plenty of consumers have accumulated too much of it over time. Debt consolidation is a solution many look to in order… 

Borrowing Against Your Home Equity Has Tax Benefits and Pitfalls

If you need funds to cover a purchase, pay off debt or remodel your home, you have a few lending options—including the use of home equity.

Escrow Accounts: What You Need to Know

With mortgages, homebuyers typically pay extra money into escrow accounts every month, along with their home loan payments. While a mortgage holder collects the principal and interest payments each month, they also can collect property tax and… 

Should You Choose Positive or Negative Mortgage Points?

While picking out a mortgage, you might be faced with the option of using positive or negative mortgage points, which can alter your interest rate and your closing costs.